Publication Archive

'Wake Moon', Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual 2014, Aesthetica Magazine Ltd., December 2013, York, United Kingdom ISSN 2048-8777

'Outside the window the wild world still calls', The Troubadour Poetry Prize, December 2013, The Troubadour, Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, London, United Kingdom

'Forest', 'Egress', 4th Floor: 20th Anniversary Edition, (ed. Hinemoana Baker), Whitireia Polytechnic, November 2013, Wellington, New Zealand

'Fortune', Given An Ordinary Stone: The NZPS Anthology, (ed. Owen Bullock), The New Zealand Poetry Society, November 2013, Wellington, New Zealand ISBN 9780473262334

'Baby Bird @ Christmas', JAAM, 31, (eds. Claire Needam & Harvey Molloy), JAAM Collective, November 2013, Wellington, New Zealand ISSN 1173-633X

'Gaudi', 100 Tanka by 100 Poets of Australia & New Zealand, (eds. Amelia Fielden, Beverley George & Patricia Prime), Ginninderra Press, October 2013, Canberra, Australia ISBN 9781740278317

'Sea Edge', Verandah, Issue 28, Deakin University, September 2013, Melbourne, Australia ISSN 1448-4900

'GPS', Hue & Cry, Issue No. 7: Deep, (guest ed. Ashleigh Young), July 2013, Wellington, New Zealand ISSN 1178-2374

'Karangahape Road Sonnet', Landfall 225, (ed. David Eggleton), Otago University Press, June 2013, Otago, New Zealand ISBN 978187758437

'Conch', Riptide Anthology, Issue 9, (eds. Ginny Bailey & Sally Flint), Riptide, February 2013, Exeter, United Kingdom ISBN 9780957551206

'Gilda', Magma, Issue 55: The Soul & The Machine, (eds. Tim Kindberg & Karen McCarthy Woolf), Magma Poetry, United Kingdom ISSN 1352-9269

'From the North', Mirehouse Poetry Prize 2013, Words by the Water Festival, Theatre by the Lake, Keswick, United Kingdom

'Bird', 'Crab Nebula', Poets Corner, March 2013, University of Western Australia, The Cultural Precinct, Perth, Australia

'Tokyo', Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual 2013, Aesthetica Magazine Ltd, December 2012, York, United Kingdom ISSN 2048-8777

'Confluence', Journeys Through Fire: The Lancelot Andrewes Awards, (Introduction by Carol Ann Duffy), November 2012, Southward Cathedral, London, United Kingdom

'Edi', New Writing Dundee, 7, (eds. Kirsty Gunn & Zoe Venditozzi), Dundee University Press, October 2012, Dundee, Scotland ISBN 9781845861797

'Ginnel'Poetry London, Autumn 2012, London, United Kingdom

'Sunflowers'Bestiaro, (ed. Gabriel Griffin), Wyvern Works, September 2012, Isola San Guilio, Italy

'The Clown in You'Landfall 223, (ed. David Eggleton), Otago University Press, June 2012, Otago, New Zealand ISBN 9781877578437

'Surgery Dog'Cafe Writers Poetry Prize, February 2012, Norfolk, United Kingdom

'Sinead (1962 - 2011)'Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual 2012, Aesthetica Magazine Ltd., December 2011, York, United Kingdom ISSN 2048-8777

'Saul'The Sleepers Almanac, No. 7, (eds. Zoe Dattner & Louise Swinn), Sleepers Publishing, December 2011, Melbourne, Australia ISBN 9781742702995

'New Brighton 1972'Landfall 222, (ed. David Eggleton), Otago University Press, November 2011, Otago, New Zealand ISBN 9781877578410

'My Spanish Friend Says Yes After Watching Death Takes A Holiday'The Troubadour Poetry Prize, November 2011, The Troubadour, Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, London, United Kingdom

'Kabuki Eye'Lightship Anthology 1, (ed. Simon Kerr), Alma Books, November 2011, United Kingdom ISBN 9781846881992

'Alexander McQueen on Your Birthday'Outside the Asylum: Best New Fiction 2012, (ed. Michael Stewart), University of Huddersfield, November 2011, United Kingdom ISBN 9780956309914

'Emigre', 'Dog Lost'The Stony Thursday Book: A Collection of Contemporary Poetry, No. 10, (ed. Mary Coll), Arts Council of Ireland, Autumn 2011, Limerick International Poetry Festival, Limerick, Ireland ISSN 1649-153X

'Space Dust'JAAM 29, (ed. Anne Kennedy), JAAM Collective, October 2011, Wellington, New Zealand ISSN 1173-633X

'A Love Affair'The Royal Society of New Zealand Manhire Prize 2011, (in association with the New Zealand Listener & The Institute of Modern Letters), October 2011, Wellington, New Zealand

'We had a little summer', Essex Poetry Festival 11th Open Poetry Prize, October 2011, Essex, United Kingdom


Afterlife'Going Down Swinging, Issue 32, (eds. Geoff Lemon & Jessica Friedmann), September 2011, Melbourne, Australia ISBN 978098040536

'Furniture', New Zealand Listener, Summer Reading, Jan 8-14, Vol. 227, No. 3687, New Zealand Magazines, APN Specialist Publications NZ Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand

'Furniture', The BNZ Katherine Manfield Literary Award, November 2010, BNZ, Wellington, New Zealand

'The Joy Chair Shockers', Page Seventeen, Vol. 8, November 2010, Melbourne, Australia

'Emergency', Sunday Star-Times Short Story Awards, (story excerpt), Sunday Star-Times, October 10, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand

'Sunspots'Landfall 217, (ed. Paula Morris), Otago University Press, April 2009, Otago, New Zealand ISBN 9781877372964

'Bloom', New Writing Dundee, (contributing ed. Kirsty Gunn), Dundee University Press, March 2009, Dundee, Scotland ISBN 9781845860783

'Cowboy Genes'JAAM, 27, (ed. Ingrid Horrocks), JAAM Collective, September 2009, Wellington, New Zealand ISSN 1173-633X

'The Girl With the Red Light Bulbs'Bravado, 17, November 2009, New Plymouth, New Zealand ISSN 9771176339003

'Home Movies'The Dan Davin Literary Awards, The Southland Times, September 8, 2008, Invercargill, New Zealand

'Tigers'Short Fiction, 2, University of Plymouth Press, November 2008, Plymouth, United Kingdom ISBN 9781841021942

'Soon You Won't See Me'Harlem River Blues & Other Stories, (forward by Carlo Gebler & David Mitchell), Fish Publishing, June 2008, Darrus, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland ISBN 978095428672

'Westerns'Flosca Anthology, (intro. David Means), Flosca Teo, May 2008, Galway City, Ireland ISSN 2009-0951

'The Uncommon Suffering and Remarkable Deliverance of Lucy Smith'The Collection, The New Writer Prose & Poetry Prize, The New Writer Magazine, July 2007, Cranbrook, Kent, United Kingdom

'The Dead Don't do that Kind of Thing'Willesden Herald: New Short Stories 1, Pretend Genius Press, April 2007, London, United Kingdom ISBN 9780977852628

'These Last Desires'The Warwick Review, December 2007, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

'The Gardenia Girls'The Warwick Review, March 2007, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

'Diseases From Space'Cadenza, 16, February 2007, United Kingdom

'A Trembling Bee'Mo(nu)ment, The Blue Print Review, Blue Print Press, August 2006, Germany

'Presence'Cadenza, 15, May 2006, United Kingdom

'High Heaven'The Ugly Tree, Issue 13, Oct-Nov 2006, Flapjack Press, Manchester, United Kingdom ISSN-8349

'The Dead Don't Call'The Ugly Tree, Issue 12, Jun-Sept 2006, Flapjack Press, Manchester, United Kingdom ISSN-8349

'O How the Mighty'Opium Magazine, March 2006, New York, USA